
Japanese dolls exhibition underway

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Japanese dolls exhibition underway

 The Japanese Doll Exhibition organized by the Japan Foundation and the Embassy of Japan in Mongolia opened on April 19 at the Fine Arts Zanabazar Museum. The exhibition will take place until May 9.

 Since August 2020, this traveling exhibition has been held in 28 countries around the world and has been enjoyed by many. The purpose, place, and time of creating the dolls are different, and you can see the deep historical meaning and beautiful craftsmanship of Japanese dolls, such as materials, and designs at this exhibition.

 The exhibition, called ‘Ningyo’ which means ‘Human Form’ in Japanese, is divided into four groups, ‘Celebration Dolls’, ‘Art Dolls’, ‘Common Folk Dolls’, and ‘The Spread of Doll Culture’. Japanese dolls and culture, which have been created and passed down from Japan’s history and folk culture that have been enriched over many years of history and are presented through 67 excellent exhibits.

 At the opening of the exhibition, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Japan to Mongolia H. Kobayashi said that many people came to the exhibition and wanted to deepen their understanding of Japan. Director of the museum P.Baigalmaa said at the opening of the exhibition, “The Fine Arts Zanabazar Museum has been a bridge to promote and introduce the tradition of friendly cooperation between the two countries to the people of Mongolia, and has organized many exhibitions and activities together. Through the history of Japanese national puppetry, the history, ethnography, customs, and heritage of the people are presented and promoted, and the journey will continue to the next country.”